Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beer Review: NOLA Brewing Hurricane Saison

Tonight was the release party for NOLA Brewing's Hurricane Saison at Avenue Pub. I have to admit that the turnout was very nice. Even NOLA's distributor, Glazers showed up which was very nice to see. I saw a lot of the local beer geek community and also met some people that are somewhat new to the beer geek scene. We'll see just how beer geek they are when we throw another BA Beer Bash though! Anyways, on to the review!

Brewery: NOLA Brewing

Beer: Hurricane Saison

Style: Saison/Farmhouse Ale

Appearance: The beer came to me in a NOLA glass(nice to see!)a golden straw color with a nice fluffy white head. Lacing was present throughout the short life of the brew.

Smell: Subtle hop aroma with hints of pepper that balanced the malty sweetness well.

Taste: A drastic difference from the original batch I tried at the brewery. They cut down on the amount of sugar that in my opinion had made it too sweet. This version has a dry finish and is very spice oriented. The beer was perhaps served a little too cold but the warmer it got the better the beer was. Hints of pepper and cumin were very noticeable.

Mouthfeel: Medium body with medium carbonation.

Overall: Another very nice brew from NOLA Brewing. Not one of my favorites by these guys but still one of the best available in the state of Louisiana!

Score: Photobucket 3.5 out of 5 Buddhas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So when are you gonna a send me a bottle? Or is there any in a bottle?