Sunday, April 14, 2013

Beer Review: Abita Lemon Wheat

As I sit here brewing my first 5 gallon batch of beer(I started with 1 gallon batches) I have the opportunity to sip on some of Abita's new Lemon Wheat.  Now in full disclosure an Abita rep had this delivered to my house in the hood by another Abita rep.  Shout out to Leo Basile and Keith Pulmilia for doing that!

I tried it for the first time last night and I liked it.  Not because Abita delivered it to my house but rather because in this world of high ABV beers and punch you the testicles hop presence it's nice to sip on something light, crisp and sessionable(4.4% abv).  This beer is a fantastic beer for summer time.

Yeah, I know I will catch shit and honestly I don't care.  You know me, I never do.  I drink what I like as should you.  Never let others dictate your tastebuds.   Hell, there is a reason I buy Abita Strawberry every year.  I like it and am not afraid to admit it.

Some folks will disagree with me here but I honestly think Abita is finally going in the right direction.  Being able to maintain not only their appeal to the majority of beer drinkers but also to us beer geeks.  I would think their current rank on the Brewers Association's Top 50 Craft Brewing Companies would speak volumes.  A Louisiana brewery is ranked in the  top 20(#14).  That's quite a feat and a jump from last year.  Congrats Abita!  Now if you'd just start bottling that Black IPA!  Here is my review:

Brewery:  Abita Brewing

Beer:  Lemon Wheat

Style:  Wheat Beer

ABV:  4.4%

Louisiana Availability:  Of course.  Seasonal though.  May through September.

Appearance:  Hazy straw color with a nice, foamy white head.  Lacing present throughout.  Apparently I cleaned my glass well!

Smell:   Hit immediately with light citrus notes but balanced nicely with hint of graininess.    Very low hop character.

Taste:  Nice citrus note with a subtle spiciness and slight breadiness.  As in the nose their is little to no hop character which can be expected in this style.  Has a dry finish with a slight tartness.

Mouthfeel:  Medium body with medium high carbonation.

Overall:  A simple yet tasty brew perfect for Louisiana summers.  Nice sessionable ABV which means you can drink a bunch and feel good about yourself in the morning.

Score:  3.5 out of 5 Buddhas  photo 3.jpg

1 comment:

SanFay said...

I like the citrus flavored beers. I'll have to give Abita a try. Thanks for the review. Going on vacation soon to a dry county in KY. We take a boat full of beer with us.