Sunday, May 15, 2011

American Craft Beer Week New Oreans: My Top Event Picks

These are a list of events that are going on during American Craft Beer Week that I will either be at or wishing I was at:

Sunday, May 15th

The Avenue Pub – Saint Arnold’s Divine Reserve tapping, 2pm.

Why: It's the kickoff to ACBW in New Orleans. Duh. Alas, I will be working for the man so won't be able to attend. Sucks. I am still looking to make this website a full time gig. Any ideas are appreciated.

Monday, May 16th

Bulldog (MidCity) – Abita Double IPA Cask

Why: I really would love to try this beer. I may be there. Just need wife's approval. And if the Barley Oak wasn't so far away I would probably go there for the Abita Vintage Oatmeal Stout.

Tuesday, May 17th

Bulldog (Magazine) – Abita Cask Conditioned Double IPA, 9:00-11:00pm, Sam Adams Small Batch for ACBW tapping Oak Aged Stout

Bulldog (Canal) – Sam Adams Small Batch for ACBW tapping, Oak Aged Stout

Why: Both of these have the Sam Adams Small Batch tasting which looks interesting.

Wednesday, May 18th

The Avenue Pub – Nano breweries tasting event: Draft – Dieu Du Ciel! Equinoxe du Printemps, Dieu Du Ciel! La Rescousse, Dieu Du Ciel! Aphrodite, Dieu Du Ciel! Péché Mortel, St. Somewhere Saison Athene, St. Somewhere Lectio Divina, High & Mighty from Will Shelton, Parish Brewing Canebrake, Stillwater/Struisse. Bottles – Jolly Pumpkin Maracaibo Especial, Jolly Pumpkin Madrugada Obscura, Jolly Pumpkin iO Saison

Why: Look at that friggin' list! Are you kidding me?! I would make sure to stop by Cork and Bottle and come see me to pick up some goodies and beer though. I won't be making this as I will be at Cork & Bottle until 7pm.

Thursday, May 19th

Steins Deli (Magazine St.) – Brooklyn, Stone, Schmaltz, Harpoon Sampling, 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Why: Go get yourself a kick ass sandwich and try some great beers at the same time.

Friday, May 20th

NOLA Brewing – brewery tour, 2:00 – 4:00pm

Why: You start your day here. Learn the process behind the fantastic products you're drinking.

The Avenue Pub “Locals Night” - Each of the local/regional breweries is contributing a special keg or cask for this evening. Brewers and owners will be present to meet with customers and talk about the ‘one off ‘ beers they created for the event. Abita Extra Citra Hopped Satsuma Wit Draft, Abita Cask Conditioned Double IPA, NOLA Cask Blueberry Wheat, Lazy Magnolia TBA, Bayou Teche TBA, Lazy Magnolia Bourbon Barrel Pecan, NOLA Single Hops Series (Blonde Dry hopped 4 different ways)

Why: You end it here! I will be there celebrating my birthday and it's locals night!!!

Saturday, May 21st

The Avenue Pub – ACBW Grand Tasting; as in years past, we turn over all our taps to Craft Beer, include bunches of new to the state and one off drafts and bottles. Tap list is still in the making (see below for what we know at this time).

Why: You end it here. The tap list will be incredible!

Well there you have it.  My top picks of events.  Now granted if I lived on the Northshore I'd be spending a whole lot of time on that side but hey, I'm not on the Northshore.  See ya out there!


The Beer Buddha


Nora said...

Hey J- I linked this post on my beer blog, just FYI. (


Lee said...

please help!!

Is there anywhere in the New orleans area to have cask conditioned beer on a regular basis?!
I tried to search your blog but inudated with beer fest activities, appropriately wo of couse.

Lee said...

please help!!
Can I enjoy a nice cask conditioned ale here in New Orleans or the surrounding area outside of beer week?
I tried to search your blog, and was inundated with beer week postings, appriateley so of course.
Thank you in advance for your help.

The Beer Buddha said...


Thanks for reading. Avenue Pub pretty much every Friday night has a cask conditioned beer on tap upstairs. I don't think it's all the time but it's close.
