Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Beer Review: The Brothers Bernardus

On my recent trip to Orlando with the wife and daughter, to visit my family and the House of Mouse, I was fortunate enough to stop at a Total Wine. This place is pretty incredible as far as liquor stores go. The claim to have "8000 wines, 2000 spirits and 1000 beers in every store" and man were they right. The place was a Sam's Club of alcohol with huge bulk shelves stocked full of booze. I, of course, didn't care about anything but the beer section and what a wonderful section it was. Compared to our selection in Louisiana this was beer heaven. One of the many items I saw on the shelf was a St. Bernardus gift pack that came with 4 beers(Abt 12, Prior 8, Pater 6 and Tripel) and a glass! All for only $13.99! Damn great price in my opinion. I know, I know, ya'll are saying "Who gives a shit, I can get these beers anywhere", but unlike you lucky bastards that live in other states I can't get St. Bernardus in Louisiana(which should be changing in the next couple weeks I am told) so for me it was a big deal. Well anyway, I just recently finished up the last of that 4 pack and I thought it would be cool to review all 4 beers on the blog together. So without further ado here are my reviews.

Brewery: Brouwerij St. Bernardus NV

Beer: Abt 12

Style: Quadrupel

ABV: 10.50%

Recommended Glassware: Snifter, Tulip or Chalice

Food Pairings: Cheese: Brie, Gouda, Havarti, Swiss, Blue, Cheddar General: Digestive Meat: Game, Smoked, Beef

Serving Type: My St. Bernardus chalice of course.

Appearance- Poured a nice dark brown color with a thick tan head.

Smell- Great smells such as clove, banana, caramel and some mustiness which I find very nice.

Taste- Wonderful fruity taste to it. Nice hints of citrus and yeastiness. Alcohol wasn't overpowering. The malty sweetness is very nice.Mouthfeel- Medium body with medium carbonation.

Overall- What can I say other than this beer is incredible. I wish this one was available in New Orleans.


Beer: Tripel

Style: Tripel

ABV: 8.00%

Recommended Glassware: Snifter or Chalice

Food Pairings: Cuisine: Mediterranean Cheese: Blue, Cheddar, Gorgonzola, Limburger Meat: Pork, Poultry

Serving Type: St. Bernardus chalice

Appearance- This one poured a nice amber color with a nice, big off-white head. Lacing was incredible.

Smell- Interestingly complex with hints of spice, yeast, bread and fruits.

Taste- A nice sweetness with hints of honey, banana, cloves and other spices I can't name. Has a nice dry finish. The alcohol is present.

Mouthfeel- Has a medium, smooth body with a lot carbonation.

Overall- A great triple but not my favorite of the bunch.


Beer: Prior 8

Style: Dubbel

ABV: 8.00%

Recommended Glassware: Chalice

Food Pairings: Cheese: Brie, Gouda, Havarti, Swiss, Gorgonzola, Limburger General: Chocolate Meat: Beef

Serving Type: St. Bernardus chalice

Appearance- Poured a nice murky brown color with a nice huge off white head. Beautiful lacing.

Smell- Cloves, spices, figs and a nice malty breadiness as well.

Taste- Wonderful balance of hops and malts. Hints of caramel and also cloves and other spices. Yeastiness present.

Mouthfeel- Medium body with medium carbonation.

Overall- Great beer. Not as good as the Abt 12 but still a solid brew.


Beer: Pater 6

Style: Dubbel

ABV: 8.00%

Recommended Glassware: Chalice

Food Pairings: Cheese: Brie, Gouda, Havarti, Swiss, Gorgonzola, Limburger General: Chocolate Meat: Beef

Appearance- This beer poured a nice dark brown with huge frothy tan head. Lacing was present throughout the life of the beer.

Smell- Huge fruit smells such as apples, citrus and dark fruits. A nice sweet biscuity smell with a slight hint of alcohol.

Taste- The wonderful fruit tastes really come through here. Mostly dark fruits but as in the smell I got apples and citrus also. There is an interesting brown sugar taste which is present as well.

Mouthfeel- This beer has a nice medium body with medium carbonation. It's an easy drinking beer.

Overall- Fantastic. Surprisingly my second favorite behind the Abt 12. I really enjoyed this beer a lot.

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